Are you thinking of obtaining copyright protection for your Mobile App? Did you know that just an idea cannot be copyrighted? Did you know that you may copyright your source code, content and designs of your Mobile Application or a website?
Obtaining copyright protection for these aspects will deter others from copying the same expression of your idea, which is what makes your Application unique. Since exact copies are easier to enforce as it is easier to show substantial similarity, it is advisable to obtain copyrights on the narrowing aspects or elements of your designs. An interesting story or rather a cautionary tale is that of an original developer who was unable to obtain fight off derivatives from his work, is that of the developer of the Game Threes. Incidentally, a game 2048 with very similar concept became famous within days of its launch. The fame to which this app rose within days of its launch, triggered a lot of imitations. However, it was clear that it was far better than the imitations which had sprung up. This eventually brought the attention of the original game’s developer Threes to this new game 2048, which is substantially conceptually similar to that of their game Threes. The original developers went to great lengths to show how their game was better than 2048. The game faced a severe fight with respect to sales against its derivative games. This is a cautionary tale on how important it is to obtain all the available protection and how important it is to obtain narrower protection with respect to copyrights especially as an Intellectual property as compared to the other ones, which will strengthen your rights.
Reach out to our experienced attorneys who will guide through the best options and strategy for obtaining copyright protection with respect to your mobile Applications.