Trademark Registration for Software
Well, it is known that trademark is the term that describes one’s brand value in terms of design or logo and it is secured by the product owner. This trademark tool ensures your product get recognition. Big corporations like Microsoft, Google, IBM etc have identified approaches to make profits by using their brand name and their products are easily recognised with the logo of their parent company.
Software products are launched in the product under a designed logo or a unique name. For example, Adobe Corporation uses “ADOBE” as product name on all of it designed software tools or software services. Enforceability adds the value to the trademark, in order to retain the rights and prevent dilution of the same. However, a trademark infringement against one can immediately decrease your brand value which affects the business value. Therefore, it is important to carefully choose the marks before spending a lot on marketing efforts. Especially while transitioning into a new jurisdiction due diligence is an important aspect as well.
For example, if you have developed a software product and would try to sell to a customer, the first step is to get your product name which could help you to conquer the market and get is protected. In that scenario, you may register the logo or word mark to be used. If you delay it, you may stand a chance to lose the mark which might have been an excellent marketing tool.
Obtaining Trademark protection for your software may help in the expansion of your business, give the ability to enforce your rights against any third parties trying to infringe your mark, help build your brand which eventually may turn to be a huge asset and a key factor in your business strategy. Therefore, it is imperative to trademark protect your software.
We at Singhwal, have experience in obtaining trademark protection and help businesses strategize their Trademark filings to obtain maximum advantages.