Thank you for contacting us!

To Serve you better, Please share below information..

How many Patent Applications you want to file? (Choose one) :
More than 10
Is your invention related to?

Not Sure
  • Academic research
  • Commercial product/process/service concept
  • Not Sure
Do you want to file Patent Application in:
  • India
  • Outside India
  • Both
Which technology area your concept relates to:
  • Software/Computing Hardware/Electronics/Automation
  • Mechanical Engineering/Civil Engineering/Applied Physics
  • Life sciences/Chemical/Pharma/Food
  • Others
Are you interested in:

Not Sure
  • Patent Drafting
  • Patent Searching
  • End to End Patent Support
  • Patent Strategy and Consulting support
  • Patent Filing only
  • Not Sure
Have you filed any Patent earlier?
No, This is the first time I am filing Patent
  • Yes
  • No, This is the first time I am filing Patent
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You shall hear from us within 24 working hours. Or else You can also call us on +91-8050010199 or drop an email on

To know more about our service offerings, please click on the below links:

Our Engagement Models



This is suited for a seasonal requirement or one-time requirement. For an activity for which efforts are predefined, a consolidated cost can be determined, otherwise an hourly rate can be discussed.


Dedicated Resource

This is suited for long term engagement, which regular and year-round. For such scenario, a dedicated resource is allotted which is available for discussion, and performing activity as per pre-determined number of hours or activity.


Outsourced IP Function

This is suited for organization, who is looking for build up an IP ecosystem, and look for an extensive support to build up an environment for Innovation, and to further build up Patent Portfolio. We help as an extended IP team for them, and build up a model composite of hourly cost as well as consolidated cost basis.

Copyright 2020 by Singhwal Techlaw