Thank you for contacting us!

To Serve you better, please provide below information.

How many marks you want to file? (Choose one) :
More than 10
No.of Classes to file Trademarks?
Not Sure
  • 1
  • Up to 3
  • More than 3
  • Not Sure
Country to file Trademark application in:
Not Sure
  • India
  • Outside India
  • Both
  • Not Sure
Do you want to file Mark as:

Not Sure
  • Wordmark
  • Logo
  • Both
  • Not Sure
Are you interested in:

Not Sure
  • Trademark Filing
  • End to End Support till Trademark Registration
  • Trademark Strategy and Consulting support
  • Not Sure
Is the mark selected?

No, I want to choose from some options
  • Yes
  • No, I want to choose from some options
0 of 350

You shall hear from us within 24 working hours. Or else You can also call us on +91-8050010199 or drop an email on

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About Gaurav Singhal (Head)- Singhwal Techlaw

He is Graduated from the top Technical and legal Institutes and leverages his unique experiences of a former in-house patent counsel to a large international corporation and eleven years into his entrepreneurial venture to help clients enforce, protect, and develop IP and to develop other strategies that are aligned with our business objectives. 

Copyright 2020 by Singhwal Techlaw